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What Can Make Your Water Softener Produce Noises And How Does A Plumbing Service Fix The Issue? | New Port Richey, FL

A water softener plays a vital role in reducing or eliminating the hardness of the water. They remove the magnesium and calcium ions from your water supply. Hard water may result in various issues such as accumulation of sediments in the water heater tank, staining the plumbing appliances, your dishes, clothes, and skin irritation whenever you take a bath. Hence, a water softening unit plays a critical preventative role in protecting your water heater and other plumbing appliances.

How frequently do you have a plumbing service to maintain the water softener? Unfortunately, a water softener also runs into problems like any other plumbing appliance at your New Port Richey, FL home. Issues like depletion of resin beads and salt formation are some of the problems that might befall your water softening unit.

Have you been experiencing some funny but weird noises coming from your water softening unit? You may be asking, what is causing my water softener to produce such noises, yet it is a stationary unit? In this article, you’ll learn about the main causes of this plumbing issue. But before then:

What’s a Water Softening Unit?

This is a plumbing appliance used for removing minerals (calcium and magnesium) that cause the hardness of the water. Hence, it prevents sedimentation of these minerals in salt bridges and water heater tanks. A water softener functions by exchanging the minerals that cause the hardness of water with other softer minerals like sodium in ion exchange. A water softener is mainly used in homes that get water from the municipal supply or wells.

Salt-Based Water Softener

Today, you can find different types of water softeners on the market, with the most common one being the salt-based water softener. This particular water softener uses a brine tank for holding the salt solution. As the hard water passes through a resin tank, the hard water minerals are absorbed by the brine solutions, softening the water.

Salt-Free Water Filtration

This is another unit that can have a plumbing service provider installed at your home. These systems don’t feature a brine tank. For instance, reverse osmosis (RO) removes the minerals that make the water hard by passing the water through a membrane.

Which Noises Can a Water Softener Produce?

There are several noises that you might hear from your water softener. However, all these noises are a sign of a different issue. Hence, you must have a plumbing service provider come over for a further inspection. The first kind of noise that your water softener might produce is a humming noise. This noise shouldn’t be a cause for concern. It happens because the pump circulates saltwater through the water softening unit.

The second kind of noise you might hear from your water softener is a hissing sound. Whenever this happens, that is a sign that the softener is low on salt. Hence, you should replenish it. The third noise which might be particularly alarming is a clicking noise. If the water softener produces a clicking noise, that is a sign that the timer motor is malfunctioning. The fourth noise that a water softener produces is a grinding noise. This is also concerning because it means that something is blocking the fan.

Whenever you hear either of these noises from the water softening unit, call a plumbing service provider immediately. These professionals are trained to repair the softener to ensure that water is softened immediately after entering your home.

What Causes a Water Softener to Make Noises?

Improper Installation

Was your water softener installed properly? Did you hire a plumber to install it, or did you do it yourself? Incorrect installation is among the leading reasons why your water softener might be producing noises. For example, an improperly installed water softener vibrates and produces gurgling noises. Having a professional plumber install the water softener is best to fix the issue.

Overloading the Softener

If the softener’s tank is overloaded, it might produce a sound. This is because the softener works harder than required to the minerals causing water hardness. To fix this issue, have a plumber come over for an inspection. If they notice that the unit is overloaded, they will reduce the contents of the softener’s tank.

Low Water Pressure

Are you experiencing low water pressure at your New Port Richey, FL home? Then your water softening unit might start producing gurgling sounds. Hence, have a plumbing service provider come over to your home to adjust the water pressure and perform further inspections to determine the cause of the low water pressure.

Lack of Ventilation

Is your water softening unit properly ventilated? If it isn’t, it will produce some noises because lack of ventilation directly impacts its efficiency. Hence, have a plumbing service provider come over to and ventilate the softener.

Defective System

The water softener will make a heavy sound when faulty. This happens because the unit isn’t functioning properly. Whenever this happens, have a plumber inspect to see whether it can be repaired or you will have to replace it. A plumbing service professional has the skills, tools, and experience to determine whether you’ll need a replacement and can also advise you on the best water softener based on the level of water hardness at your home.

If the Water Softener Is Grounded Incorrectly

The other reason why your water softener might produce some noises is if it isn’t properly grounded. If not grounded properly, the softener doesn’t properly function, and you may have to have a plumbing service provider come over to inspect it further. So have the unit installed and grounded properly to ensure it efficiently functions and doesn’t produce any noise.

If You Are Using the Wrong Type of Salt

Are you using proper salt for the water softener? If you aren’t, then the unit will produce a heavy sound that can, at times, be frightening. If you use the wrong salt on the softener, the unit might get damaged. To ensure that the softener is working optimally for a long time, choose the right salt. Remember, salt has a direct bearing on the efficiency of the softener.

Calls Us For Water Softener Inspection And Maintenance

A water heater plays a preventive maintenance role by removing the hardness of the water. As explained above, hard water has various impacts on plumbing fixtures and appliances. If you hear any noise coming from the water softener at your New Port Richey, FL home, call us at Holistic Homes for prompt plumbing services such as inspection and maintenance of the unit.

Photo By Rosamar at Shutterstock

How A Plumbing Service Looks For The Signs Of High Water Pressure | Trinity, FL

To enjoy using water at your home, it must flow at the recommended pressure. Though water pressure is essential, high water pressure can damage your home, while low water pressure might be inconvenient. Unfortunately, whenever they think of water pressure, some homeowners only consider water pressure because it has a direct bearing on their lives.

The high water pressure might feel great on the surface because you get to take a shower or even wash your car fast. Unfortunately, that high water pressure might result in severe plumbing issues that will require a plumbing service provider’s attention. Hence, whenever you notice that water flows from the faucet at high pressure, call a plumber in Trinity, FL, for an inspection rather than celebrate it.

Dangers of High Water Pressure

Damages Your Pipes

Water is a silently mighty resource. When your plumbing is exposed to high water pressure over a long duration, it could get damaged without you knowing. The high-water pressure you may be celebrating causes the pipes to develop hairline cracks that spring minor leaks. These leaks then create the perfect condition for mildew and mold growth in your home. Additionally, the leaks might result in structural damage to your home. Ultimately, you may have to call a plumbing service to replace your pipes because they’ve busted open.

Appliance Wear and Tear

If a plumbing issue might damage the appliances fast, it is high water pressure. It’s an appliance killer. It may not be ideal for that expensive washing machine or the state-of-the-art dishwater you just purchased. If the water pressure is high, it cuts your appliance’s lifespan, meaning that you may call a plumber to replace them before the end of their service life. This also applies to the small plumbing fixtures such as toilets, faucets, and showerheads.

Water Heater Shutdown

Water expands whenever heated; that is physics. However, water heaters feature a thermal expansion tank that helps them deal with the additional volume because of the expansion. If the water pressure is persistently high, the water heater may run out of space for accommodating the expanded water, resulting in a water heater shutdown. However, if the water heater tank has experienced severe corrosion, it may explode. Hence, you must enlist a plumbing service provider whenever you notice that you are getting high-pressure water.

High Utility Bills

High water pressure means using more water whenever you turn on that faucet. When you add up that, you’ll be paying more in water utility bills at the end of the month because you’ve been using more water than usual. Hence, reach out to those reliable plumbing service providers whenever you notice high water pressure at your home.

Signs of High Water Pressure

Leaky Pipes

If the water at your home is running at the recommended pressure, pipe failures and leaks are rare. However, if the water pressure is high, the pipes become like balloons filled with air. A pinhole leakage could result in a considerably larger gap where water continuously gushes out. Since they make no noise, such leaks are difficult to notice.

Additionally, they might arise in the pipes hidden below the slab or behind the walls. If this happens for some time, the pipes may burst completely, resulting in catastrophic plumbing issues fast. Hence, you might experience serious damages to your property or even the structural foundation of your Trinity, FL home. Hence, call a plumber immediately whenever you notice even the slightest leak.

Leaking Fixtures or Faucets

Have you noted that your faucet has started dripping recently? Or is your toilet turning on and refilling even when nobody has used it for the entire day? These are clear signs of high water pressure. Though it might seem like repairing these fixtures is the easy and direct way to resolve the problem, that doesn’t resolve the issue. You’ll likely still experience recurring leaks even if you repair them. To permanently deal with the problem, have a plumbing service provider inspect the plumbing system and adjust the water pressure.

Knocking or Banging Noises

Do you hear banging noises whenever you turn the water off? That might signify that you might be getting water in your home that has too much pressure. The noises result from the sudden stopping of the high water flow with the momentum looking for somewhere to go. Because the water doesn’t have a place to go, it exerts high pressure on the walls of your water heater or the pipes. This may, in turn, result in serious leaks or even make the pipes burst. You will be forced to enlist a plumbing service to replace the affected pipes and adjust the water pressure. Hence, always be attentive to the events in your pipes to avoid such damage.

Premature Appliance Failure

Whenever you spend a fortune on a household appliance like a water heater or a dishwasher, you expect it to serve you until the end of its rated service life. Though this is hardly the case ever, with routine maintenance and inspections, some appliances or gadgets might serve you for a decent period.

If you notice that appliances such as ice makers, washing machines, water heaters, or even filters are frequently breaking down, you may be experiencing high water pressure. To be certain, enlist a plumber near you for a further inspection. Whenever these appliances experience too much pressure, the water might damage their internal components, such as regulators.

Remember, each plumbing appliance combines several components that work together. If one component fails, then the entire appliance is compromised. If the dishwasher or water heater fails long before the end of its service life, the issue may be high water pressure at your Trinity, FL home, not the quality of the water or unit. Hence, you will have to enlist a plumbing service professional for replacement.

Prompt Plumbing Services

The high water pressure might seem great on the face of it. However, it is the bane of the existence of your plumbing appliances and fixtures. It may result in severe and costly damages to your plumbing system, prompting you to enlist various plumbing services, including replacements and repairs. Do you need water pressure inspection and adjustment services? Call Holistic Homes at 813-692-4144 today.

Photo By Madhourse at istock

Broken Sewer Line? Contact A Plumber Right Away! | Spring Hill, FL

Few people think about their sewer line, the pipe that your home’s drains feed into to dispose of wastewater until a problem occurs. Too often, that problem is a messy one. A sewer line clog or a sewer line that has collapsed can cause wastewater and sewage to back up into your home through floor drains. When this happens, you have a plumbing emergency on your hands. You can contact Holistic Homes, LLC and we’ll send a certified plumber to your Spring Hill, FL, home to tackle the problem.

What’s a Sewer Line?

When most people think about sewers, they think about their municipality’s sewer system. However, they own part of the sewer system and are responsible for the sewer line that runs across their property before feeding into the municipality’s sewer main line. Sewer line problems can plague older homes, but also newer ones. Shifting soil can lead to underground pipe problems in some cases. Sewer pipes associated with older homes are more vulnerable to corrosion and tree roots.

The sewer line is an integral part of your home’s plumbing system. When it’s clogged or broken, it stops the entire plumbing system from functioning. Using toilets, sinks, showers, or other plumbing fixtures can lead to a backup of wastewater into the home where it can cause damage to walls and flooring. Sewage that backs up into a house can be a serious health risk. Because of the seriousness of these issues, it’s always best to let a trained plumbing professional address sewer line problems.

Signs of a Sewer Line Issue

Often, the first sign of a sewer pipe problem that a person may notice is a gurgling or bubbling sound when they use a toilet or their shower. These sounds tend to indicate that a clog has developed. While the water may still appear to flow down the drain normally, you might find that the drain begins to flow slowly. At this point, it’s a good idea to call a plumber from Holistic Homes, LLC to inspect the issue–before it gets worse.

A clear sign of a sewer line problem is that multiple drains are backing up. Usually, when one drain backs up, the clog is located near that particular drain. When several drains back up, the problem usually means that the issue is with the sewer line.

What Causes Sewer Line Problems?

When your drains begin to back up and you realize you have a sewer line issue on your hands, you may be wondering what’s causing it. Most people are unable to tell if the issue is a sewer line clog, tree root infiltration into the sewer line, or a collapsed section of pipe. If the pipe is broken, no amount of drain cleaner will clear it–and commercial drain cleaner is never a good idea as the chemicals will sit in the line when they can’t break through clogs; even though they’re marketed as safe for plumbing systems, they can damage your pipes.

Call an Experienced Plumber for Sewer Line Repairs

When your sewer line is backing up, you can contact Holistic Homes, LLC for emergency plumbing service. We can send a licensed plumber to your Spring Hill, FL home to inspect the problem. In many cases, the issue is a clog that’s caused either by debris in the wastewater–a buildup of food debris, for instance–or tree roots. Tree roots can get into your line through small cracks, often found at the seams connecting sections of pipe. Over time, these seams tend to weaken. As tree roots trail through the earth in search of water and nutrients, they hit the jackpot when they can infiltrate your sewer line.

Once these roots enter the pipe, they’ll continue to grow as they absorb the water and nutrients that flow reliably through your plumbing system. As they grow, they will begin to block the pipe. Any material you flush down the pipe, including toilet paper, will get caught up in the roots and cause an even bigger clog to form.

In most cases, a plumber will root out the line with a cutter. The cutter cuts through the roots so they can be washed away. This solves the problem–temporarily. The roots will eventually grow back. Some people flush a special type of plumbing system root killer down the toilet periodically to kill the roots, preventing them from causing another messy clog.

What Happens If the Sewer Line Is Broken?

Sometimes the sewer line ruptures or collapses. In these cases, your plumber will recommend sewer line repair. There are a couple of methods for repairing broken pipes. In some cases, the plumber can reline the pipe without having to dig up the yard. At other times, the only way to access and replace a severely broken pipe is to dig down to it. Digging to replace the pipe is a big job, but once the pipe is replaced, you shouldn’t have to contend with issues like tree roots again.

Replacing a sewer line is not a typically DIY plumbing job. If you need pipe replacement, you can contact Holistic Homes, LLC for a quote for the job. We bring all the equipment needed to efficiently complete the project. Once completed, you’ll be able to enjoy a fully functioning plumbing system again.

A broken or clogged sewer line is a serious plumbing emergency that can’t be ignored. Let a plumber from Holistic Homes, LLC inspect your Spring Hill, FL, sewer line to determine the problem. Our plumbers are highly trained and experienced with these types of issues. Holistic Homes, LLC also features a full spectrum of residential and commercial plumbing services, including drain cleaning, leak detection, water line repairs, and more. Call us if you have a plumbing emergency or to schedule routine plumbing maintenance.

Photo by kaninw at Shutterstock