A water softener plays a vital role in reducing or eliminating the hardness of the water. They remove the magnesium and calcium ions from your water supply. Hard water may result in various issues such as accumulation of sediments in the water heater tank, staining the plumbing appliances, your dishes, clothes, and skin irritation whenever you take a bath. Hence, a water softening unit plays a critical preventative role in protecting your water heater and other plumbing appliances.
How frequently do you have a plumbing service to maintain the water softener? Unfortunately, a water softener also runs into problems like any other plumbing appliance at your New Port Richey, FL home. Issues like depletion of resin beads and salt formation are some of the problems that might befall your water softening unit.
Have you been experiencing some funny but weird noises coming from your water softening unit? You may be asking, what is causing my water softener to produce such noises, yet it is a stationary unit? In this article, you’ll learn about the main causes of this plumbing issue. But before then:
What’s a Water Softening Unit?
This is a plumbing appliance used for removing minerals (calcium and magnesium) that cause the hardness of the water. Hence, it prevents sedimentation of these minerals in salt bridges and water heater tanks. A water softener functions by exchanging the minerals that cause the hardness of water with other softer minerals like sodium in ion exchange. A water softener is mainly used in homes that get water from the municipal supply or wells.
Salt-Based Water Softener
Today, you can find different types of water softeners on the market, with the most common one being the salt-based water softener. This particular water softener uses a brine tank for holding the salt solution. As the hard water passes through a resin tank, the hard water minerals are absorbed by the brine solutions, softening the water.
Salt-Free Water Filtration
This is another unit that can have a plumbing service provider installed at your home. These systems don’t feature a brine tank. For instance, reverse osmosis (RO) removes the minerals that make the water hard by passing the water through a membrane.
Which Noises Can a Water Softener Produce?
There are several noises that you might hear from your water softener. However, all these noises are a sign of a different issue. Hence, you must have a plumbing service provider come over for a further inspection. The first kind of noise that your water softener might produce is a humming noise. This noise shouldn’t be a cause for concern. It happens because the pump circulates saltwater through the water softening unit.
The second kind of noise you might hear from your water softener is a hissing sound. Whenever this happens, that is a sign that the softener is low on salt. Hence, you should replenish it. The third noise which might be particularly alarming is a clicking noise. If the water softener produces a clicking noise, that is a sign that the timer motor is malfunctioning. The fourth noise that a water softener produces is a grinding noise. This is also concerning because it means that something is blocking the fan.
Whenever you hear either of these noises from the water softening unit, call a plumbing service provider immediately. These professionals are trained to repair the softener to ensure that water is softened immediately after entering your home.
What Causes a Water Softener to Make Noises?
Improper Installation
Was your water softener installed properly? Did you hire a plumber to install it, or did you do it yourself? Incorrect installation is among the leading reasons why your water softener might be producing noises. For example, an improperly installed water softener vibrates and produces gurgling noises. Having a professional plumber install the water softener is best to fix the issue.
Overloading the Softener
If the softener’s tank is overloaded, it might produce a sound. This is because the softener works harder than required to the minerals causing water hardness. To fix this issue, have a plumber come over for an inspection. If they notice that the unit is overloaded, they will reduce the contents of the softener’s tank.
Low Water Pressure
Are you experiencing low water pressure at your New Port Richey, FL home? Then your water softening unit might start producing gurgling sounds. Hence, have a plumbing service provider come over to your home to adjust the water pressure and perform further inspections to determine the cause of the low water pressure.
Lack of Ventilation
Is your water softening unit properly ventilated? If it isn’t, it will produce some noises because lack of ventilation directly impacts its efficiency. Hence, have a plumbing service provider come over to and ventilate the softener.
Defective System
The water softener will make a heavy sound when faulty. This happens because the unit isn’t functioning properly. Whenever this happens, have a plumber inspect to see whether it can be repaired or you will have to replace it. A plumbing service professional has the skills, tools, and experience to determine whether you’ll need a replacement and can also advise you on the best water softener based on the level of water hardness at your home.
If the Water Softener Is Grounded Incorrectly
The other reason why your water softener might produce some noises is if it isn’t properly grounded. If not grounded properly, the softener doesn’t properly function, and you may have to have a plumbing service provider come over to inspect it further. So have the unit installed and grounded properly to ensure it efficiently functions and doesn’t produce any noise.
If You Are Using the Wrong Type of Salt
Are you using proper salt for the water softener? If you aren’t, then the unit will produce a heavy sound that can, at times, be frightening. If you use the wrong salt on the softener, the unit might get damaged. To ensure that the softener is working optimally for a long time, choose the right salt. Remember, salt has a direct bearing on the efficiency of the softener.
Calls Us For Water Softener Inspection And Maintenance
A water heater plays a preventive maintenance role by removing the hardness of the water. As explained above, hard water has various impacts on plumbing fixtures and appliances. If you hear any noise coming from the water softener at your New Port Richey, FL home, call us at Holistic Homes for prompt plumbing services such as inspection and maintenance of the unit.
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